Reclaimed Solid Oak Strip Flooring from St Josephs Church
    Showing all of the Reclaimed Solid Oak Strip Flooring from St Josephs Church
    This shows the rear of the Reclaimed Solid Oak Strip Flooring from St Josephs Church
    Image 5 - Reclaimed Solid Oak Strip Flooring from St Josephs Church
    This shows the tongue and groove of the oak strip flooring
    Image 4 - Reclaimed Solid Oak Strip Flooring from St Josephs Church
    St Josephs Church

    Reclaimed Solid Oak Strip Flooring from St Josephs Church


    We pay from £9

    Ref: 5113

    • You are buying 1 square yard for £45 (£54 per sq M)
    • Reclaimed Solid Oak Strip Flooring from St Josephs Church
    • The flooring came from St Josephs Church in Chasetown Staffordshire
    • Each piece measures is 2¼" wide x ¾" thick
    • The lengths vary from a few pieces at 18" up to around 8ft long
    • The church was built in 1880 - a new church has now been built in nearby Burntwood
    • We will measure you 48 running feet (1 sq yard) and give you a cutting list for the amount that you order. Each piece of timber is checked and any damaged faces of the timber we will mark with chalk and you will not be charged for
    • This is a reclaimed product and we have taken it up as best as we can
    • The flooring is very clean as it was covered with carpet for most of it's life.
    • There are some carpet nails still left in the timber
    • 576 running inches are in one square yard

    If you have an item similar to this one that you would like to sell, email us directly via:

    At UK Architectural Antiques we are always looking for new items to buy.

    Our buyer is not office based - please note our sales staff cannot provide telephone valuations.

    Our buyer buys remotely from your pictures and descriptions - then our driver collects and pays for the goods, therefore the buyer needs sufficient information so that he can make a decision without physically seeing the items.

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